Consulting and Ordering

Consulting and Ordering

Red Facing brick

It is a kind of Facing brick with high solidity and durability both in the color and components with low water absorption. If wet, the red brick dries quickly. This building material is environmentally friendly and does not harm either human health or the environment.

Salmon Pink Facing brick

It is a Facing brick with high durability and variety of colors. In spite of its natural and eye catching appearance it is erosion resistant. A number of defects that may appear on the surface of such building materials can be eliminated independently. It is made up of high quality soil.

Yellow Facing brick

If you need a good material for the walls, facing yellow brick, which is appreciated because of its type, reliability, durability and good thermal conductivity, is ideal. It does not change its color throughout the entire period of use. On the surface with the ingress of moisture does not appear fungi. It can serve for 20 years without qualitative and decorative transformations. .

Product Price List

Product NameDescriptionPackage typeStockPrice
Red Facing brick-CustomAvailableFill in the Form
Yellow Facing brick-CustomAvailableFill in the Form
Salmon Pink Facing brick-CustomAvailableFill in the Form

Product List

Product Name
Red Facing brick
Yellow Facing brick
Salmon Pink Facing brick
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Zarin Facing bricks For Export

In the Zarin brick trading group, we believe that people deserve to buy the best type of this product happily from our land, Persia, where is the first place to produce mud bricks for ancient architectural samples; so that is why we centralize so much time and skill to promote our customers’ buying experience. As a worldwide wholesaler and exporter of bricks, we are fully aware of the challenges to transport this product safely and efficiently. We can assess the location beforehand to clarify the most suitable way and vehicle of shipping to deliver your bricks safely within the scheduled time. There is also a free consultation form on our website to get more details or ideas.